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    Student Testimonial: AMDA College of the Performing Arts

    Posted July 13, 2022, 1:00 pm by TeenLife

    Hosea Mundi - AMDA College of the Performing Arts

    Why Did You Choose AMDA and Select This Major?

    After high school I knew that I wanted to get into acting, but I couldn’t decide If I wanted to act for the stage or the camera. My theatre teacher had told me about the acting program at AMDA and how intense the training was. Some of her previous students had attended the school. After going through AMDA’s website, I was very adamant about attending this school for its BFA acting program. That was until I read through their Music Theatre program. I had just finished doing a musical at my school, and even though I wasn’t the strongest singer, in the back of my head there was this slight joy I felt whenever I sang. That small voice in the back of my head grew louder the more I read about the program. In the end it was my family who persuaded me to switch my training to musical theater. Why learn only how to act when you can learn how to sing and dance as well, they told me. And, oh boy, am I glad I listened to them. Never did I think in three years I would grow to be such a strong singer.

    Did You Have to Prepare for This Major in Any Way?

    Yes, before auditioning for AMDA my theater teacher and I went through three songs and some monologues that sat comfortably in my voice. For my three songs I focused on “Hold Me in Your Heart” from Kinky Boots, “Music of the Night” from Phantom of the Opera and “Don’t Let Me Go” from Shrek the Musical. My teacher made sure I had a dramatic song, a classical song and a comedic song. As for my monologue, I did a comedic scene from the most recent musical I was in, The Wedding Singer.

    What Was a Typical Day Like at AMDA College of the Performing Arts?

    A typical day at AMDA always started with me warming up and putting on a concert in my shower at 8 a.m. The days are long here at AMDA. There is a lot of good work to be done, and I cannot stress enough how important warming up first thing in the morning is. My first class is usually a Gen Ed class such as math and English composition. After that my next classes would be either my MT core classes, where I got to work on duets, trios, audition techniques and songwriting with my other classmates, or acting classes, where I got to work on monologues, scene study, off- and on-camera work and improv, or dance classes, where I took Tap, Jazz, and Ballet. Later in the day I would head out to rehearsals for the BFA shows, mostly the BFA musicals. The musicals are so fun to do here at AMDA!

    What Was the Most Moment of Your Time at AMDA College of the Performing Arts?

    My first memorable moment would have to be my final bow during my last BFA musical. The productions here are so beautiful to be a part of. The costumes, mics and lighting make you feel like you're a professional. After being a part of every show since my first semester, it was so rewarding to be able to get up on stage and share one last bow with my friends. My second most memorable moment would have to be first semester when my new group of friends and I held a Secret Santa get-together in the dorms. On campus most of the fun will come from the connections and the families you create off stage rather than on stage. And I guarantee you these connections will last for eternity.

    What Advice Do You Have for Teens Looking for the Right College?

    My only advice would be to listen to your gut. During your college interviews if you feel like the school you’re looking into can give you what you're missing in life, go for it. AMDA was not my top choice until I had a serious heart-to-heart with the person who auditioned me from the school. They came up to me and told me that I would be cared for if I attended the school, that I would elevate to new heights. Now, obviously every board person says that so they can get a student to attend their school. But with her it was different. It’s a feeling that I can’t explain. My gut was telling me yes as soon as I locked eyes with them. They really did care for me. And they were right. Not even a week after graduation and I'm currently playing Benny in In the Heights and I’ll be Male Ensemble/Judas understudy for the Jesus Christ Superstar Broadway national tour. Trust your gut, do your research and be patient. Your time will come.

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