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    4 Ways to Convince High School Students They Have Time to Volunteer

    Posted March 3, 2014, 5:59 pm by The Experts at TeenLife
    4 Ways to Entice High School Students to Volunteer

    Teenagers make the perfect volunteers: they are energetic, passionate, and eager for change. Many high school students, however, consider themselves to be too busy with school, sports, and other extracurricular activities to engage in community service or particpate in a summer volunteer program for teenagers.

    Here are four easy tips to make volunteering more accessible to teens:

    • 75 percent of teens and young adults ages 13 to 22 who participate in community service are friends with people who also volunteer regularly.

    Create incentive for volunteers to talk to their friends about joining the cause. Studies show that peer influence is one of the strongest factors in teen volunteering. Offer ways to socialize, and encourage teens to volunteer with all their friends!

    [Find ways to volunteer overseas on a gap year!]

    • 18 percent of teens are more likely to volunteer if they are on a sports team and their coach serves as an adult supervisor.

    Reach out to schools and athletic departments to create special volunteer projects for sports teams.

    • The most common form of support by teen volunteers is assistance with fundraising.

    Create a “How To” fundraising kit to get high school students started. Teenagers are passionate, influential players in today’s society. They also understand the importance of money, and can sway potential donors easier than a cold call or newsletter. If teens are aware of the financial difference they can make, they will not stop until they reach their goal.

    • Offer volunteer jobs with benefits.

    Studies show the No. 1 teenage concern about the future is getting to college and paying for it. Not only do volunteer opportunities give teens an edge in college admissions, but there are even scholarships available for students who are community service minded. Make your teen volunteers aware of these advantages, and help them apply for scholarships.

    With the right information and knowledge, teens will not hesitate at the chance to volunteer. Make sure they have access to these opportunities!

    Sources: DoSomething.org, The Chronicle of Philanthropy

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